
Owen Canavan was badly injured six years ago. He uses experience to encourage others recovering from traumatic injuries.

In 2017, Canavan was working out at a fitness center when a car came crashing into the building and pinned him against a wall. In the span of a week, he underwent eight surgeries.

Healing over the holidays: A nurse’s guide to spending the holidays at the hospital

There’s no place like the hospital for the holidays. And we don’t mean that in a good way. But here are some ways to make it better.

Surgeons to lead multisite study of procedure to limit blood loss by partially blocking aorta

Vanderbilt care surgeons are leading a two-year, multicenter observational study of a minimally invasive technique to control life-threatening blood loss by inserting a balloon inside the aorta to restrict blood flow below the heart.

The man at the music festival had been beaten unconscious. Medical assistant Chase Brown may have saved his life.

“If that was my little brother or one of my friends, I would hope someone would help them.”

William Nolan and his fianceé, Cassie Rooke, enjoy active lives, including taking long walks with their dog, Grizz. Nolan volunteers as a Trauma Peer Visitor to support others hospitalized with serious trauma.

Former patient steps up to help others with traumatic injuries

Former patient William Nolan is now a VUMC Trauma Peer Visitor, supporting others recovering from life-changing injuries.

“Parker, stay with me!” Local family learns firsthand the dangers of multi-passenger UTVs and golf carts.

Pediatric trauma experts add multipassenger UTVs, golf carts to list of dangerous vehicles that includes ATVs

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