Istock image of neurons in the brain

Vanderbilt signs licensing, research agreements to develop new approach to schizophrenia treatment

Under the terms of the licensing agreement, Lundbeck has exclusively licensed rights to compounds developed at Vanderbilt that act on a receptor in the brain that has been implicated in schizophrenia.

Investigational new drug for Alzheimer’s scheduled for first study in humans

Vanderbilt University scientists have received notification from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that testing in humans may proceed for an investigational new drug for Alzheimer’s disease after more than 10 years of research by scientists at Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


Vanderbilt-led team to develop ‘microbrain’ to improve drug testing

Creating a device out of human cells that simulates brain chemistry is the goal of a $6.4 million grant which is part of major new federal initiative to develop a series of “organs on a chip” designed to improve the drug development process.