weight management

Kenneth Reynolds weighed 780 lbs., and his body was shutting down. Vanderbilt Weight Loss Center gave him back his life.

Coming up: going fishing with his grandchildren

Telehealth grant boosts diabetes prevention efforts

Vanderbilt’s Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) has demonstrated its effectiveness at helping employees lose weight as a means of preventing Type 2 diabetes and has received a five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to expand the program using telehealth.

Clue to treating obesity found in body’s ‘rheostat’

Researchers at Vanderbilt University and the University of Michigan have discovered a critical factor in the rheostatic control of body weight by the brain.

Voluntary exercise and energy balance

Non-exercise physical activity has a measurable energy expenditure, which goes down when animals engage in voluntary exercise, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Follow these tips for maintaining weight loss

Many people manage to lose weight, but few of them keep it off. Learn how the successful few avoid regaining weight in this article from MySouthernHealth.com.

leafy greens

Vanderbilt nutrition educator says St. Patrick’s Day green is the luckiest color for our diets