
Multiple sclerosis, lung cancer, and 50 marathons: Aaron Hawkins about to reach amazing milestone

“He has been a blessing and role model for so many,” his doctor Jonathan Nesbitt says.

Molecular testing across tumor types

The KRAS inhibitor sotorasib is newly approved for one kind of lung cancer; Vanderbilt researchers ask if it should be considered for another type if the tumor has the gene mutation it targets.

Study casts doubt on impact of menthol-flavored tobacco ban

Vanderbilt research finds that a ban on the sale of menthol-flavored cigarettes that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is on track to implement may have unintended consequences.

Biltibo receives career development award to support hematology research

Vanderbilt’s Eden Biltibo, MD, a clinical fellow in the Division of Hematology and Oncology, has been selected for the 2022 ASH-CIBMTR-ASTCT Career Development Award.

Computer eyeballs graft-vs-host disease

A machine learning algorithm identified areas of skin affected by chronic graft-versus-host disease on par with clinicians, opening the door to streamlining and standardizing this measure of patient response to therapy.

x-ray of stomach

New prognosis predictor and target for gastric cancer

The protein CGA — a subunit of glycoprotein hormones — is a biomarker that predicts chemoresistance in gastric cancer and could be targeted along with EGFR to restore chemosensitivity.

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