Emergency & Trauma

How to prepare for a medical emergency: A paramedic’s 10 things you need to know before the ambulance is on the way

Most people do not know what to expect when calling 911. Here is guidance from someone who knows.

VUMC SMART Program Manager Christopher Brown, CC-P, center, teaching SMART rotators critical skills during February rotation. (Photo by Sfc. Justin Theodos)

New SMART rotation of military personnel takes place

The latest Strategic Medical Asset Readiness Training (SMART) rotation, which included 12 members of the United States military, recently came to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to work in clinical areas of the adult hospital.

Justin Stehr, OTR, CHT, an occupational therapist with the Department of Plastic Surgery’s Division of Hand and Upper Extremity, works with Dawn Reed on neuromuscular re-education of her wrist extensors and grip strength. (photo Susan Urmy)

A year of teamwork restores patient’s arm after devastating accident

Hundreds of Vanderbilt Emergency Medicine, Trauma, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Occupational Therapy clinicians have played a role in saving and restoring the function of patient Dawn Reed’s right arm and hand after a utility terrain vehicle accident.

Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital’s (VWCH) Emergency Department transitioned to become part of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Emergency Medicine.

Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital finalizes Level III Trauma Center designation

Trauma Center anniversary

Faculty and staff gathered last week to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Trauma Center’s debut in its current location on the 10th floor of Vanderbilt University Hospital.

McKinney appointed to Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Board

Vanderbilt LifeFlight’s Jared McKinney, MD, has been named by Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee to the state Emergency Medical Services Board.

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