Credo Award

“Mama Stella” Lochmiller brings softness and support to the PICU

A combination of professional experience and personal loss makes Lochmiller a Credo Award winner during the February 2023 Leadership Assembly.

Calm, cool and collected, Lamar Bowman shines in high-pressure situations

For his professionalism, kindness, patience and nursing skills, Bowman, assistant nurse manager, was recognized with a Credo Award.

Katonya Graham’s dedication and persistence saved a patient’s life

“Without Katonya’s efforts, the patient would not have seen us in a timely manner. This is condition where any delay in treatment can result in death or disability.”

Paula Ciero fun toy toolkit puts children at ease during clinic visits

From fidget bracelets to sound tubes to “squishies,” Ciero finds ways to make children smile.

With each pediatric heart surgery she schedules, Alicia Kepley builds a rapport with families

No matter the situation, Jessica Stroh always finds the right way to show people she cares

“Jessica is an exceptional nurse and one of those people who brings humor and light at just the right moment. This could be to a patient with a difficult diagnosis, a new staff member who is overwhelmed, or a colleague having a tough day.”

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