Patient and Family Choice Award

Friend’s cancer diagnosis inspired Tracey DeWire to change career path

Nominated by four patients, DeWire is a recipient of a 2024 Patient and Family Choice Award.

Nursing may be a later in life career for Christin Inman, RN, but the VWCH Patient and Family Choice Award winner is right on time

“I take my time with every single patient and want to hear what brought them here and what they want to take out of their experience.”

As the first face people encounter at Vanderbilt Behavioral Health, Selene Lanier-Henderson promises ‘kindness, a friendly face and a smile.’

“We repeatedly saw her show that same sort of grace and love to everyone who crossed her path. She was a blessing during this very difficult time!”

A patient wanted to eat a juicy Bonnaroo burger, but he had to learn to swallow food again after neck cancer. Julie Judkins-Giffin helped him get there.

“She taught me exercises that strengthened my throat muscles, which enabled me to eat again and gave me my life back.”

A seriously ill patient was scared she wouldn’t survive the night — until she met nurse Inga-Liese Konynenbelt in the VUMC Emergency Department

“Inga made me feel that I was going to be OK. I am eternally grateful for her.”

Some days Bill Moore wondered if he was actually helping the children in his care. Then patients’ families gave him a Patient and Family Choice Award.

He started with a career in marketing, moved to the music business, and has found his calling at Monroe Carell

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