atrial fibrillation (AFib)

Atrial Fibrillation Precision Research Program clinic team members arrange genetic testing for patients with AFib. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Program arranges genetic testing for AFib patients who may be at risk for inherited cardiomyopathy or arrhythmia syndromes

Without treatment, younger patients may develop other serious cardiac disorders such as heart failure or life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.

(Adobe Stock)

Study links low-quality sleep with chronic disease

The research shows that by getting enough sleep and reducing variability around sleep onset and wake times, patients can reduce the incidence of chronic disease.

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Common AFib drug linked to higher bleeding risk 

In a national retrospective study led by researchers at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, diltiazem, when given in combination with the anticoagulant drugs apixaban (Eliquis) or rivaroxaban (Xarelto), significantly increased the risk of serious bleeding compared to metoprolol.

Targeting calcium handling in A-fib

The drug ent-verticilide reduced A-fib incidence and duration in an animal model, suggesting it may be a viable therapeutic option.

Genes and age studied as markers for higher death rate in those with atrial fibrillation

Younger patients with atrial fibrillation who had rare genetic variants associated with inherited cardiomyopathy and arrythmia syndromes were associated with a significantly higher rate of death than those without the variants, a Vanderbilt-led study has shown.

Peptides promote AFib arrhythmia

Peptide oligomers have detrimental metabolic effects and cause pro-arrhythmic electrophysiological changes in heart atria, suggesting they may contribute to atrial fibrillation.

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