colon and rectal (colorectal) cancer

Anna Means, PhD, R. Daniel Beauchamp, MD, and colleagues are studying a group of proteins that are essential to the growth of colorectal cancer tumors.

Researchers find potential new target against colorectal cancer

Probing the tumor microenvironment

Vanderbilt researchers used single-cell sequencing, imaging, and computational approaches to characterize the colonic tumor microenvironment, providing important insights to the components that play roles in colorectal tumor pathogenesis.

Choi, Short receive AGA Research Foundation Awards

Two Vanderbilt researchers have received awards from the AGA Foundation, the charitable arm of the American Gastroenterological Association.

Janet Darnell received a lifesaving lung transplant. Five months later she received lifesaving surgery for colon cancer. She calls herself a “walking miracle.”

Without the lung transplant, the cancer may never have been detected.

As an 11-year cancer survivor, Lori Martin, BSN, MBA, RT(R), knows firsthand the importance of colorectal cancer screening.

Martin shares colorectal cancer story, urges early detection

Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital’s Lori Martin uses her own experiences to educate patients about the importance of early detection of colorectal cancer.

Diet and colorectal cancer risk

Higher dietary intake of antioxidant compounds found in fruits, vegetables, teas and spices was associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer, and intake was lower among Black participants, potentially contributing to colorectal cancer health disparities.

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