Department of Anesthesiology

A training program for a new tool used by cardiologists and anesthesiologists to help criticall ill patients

Line placement better with ultrasound

Using ultrasound to place arterial lines reduces the need for surgical access and improves arterial line location, Vanderbilt researchers have found.

Transplant surgery

Predictive analytics help manage OR case volume

To accommodate weekday and seasonal variations in case volume, continual adjustment of operating room resources is imperative. Unlike other health systems, at Vanderbilt Health the OR planning process taps into predictive analytics running automatically on the back of the OR scheduling system.

Vanderbilt’s Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, right, testified Feb. 27 before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee on military policy affecting transgender service members. “There is no medical reason, including a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, to exclude transgender people from military service,” he explained to the Committee. Ehrenfeld, professor of Anesthesiology, Surgery, Biomedical Informatics and Health Policy and a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve Medical Corps, is also the chair-elect of the American Medical Association’s Board of Trustees.

Congressional testimony

Vanderbilt’s Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, right, testified Feb. 27 before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee on military policy affecting transgender service members.

Personalized pain management

Understanding how natural brain chemicals with pain-relieving properties interact with administered opioids may guide personalized approaches for pain management.

Ehrenfeld’s LGBTQ health research lauded by NIH

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, recently received the inaugural Sexual and Gender Minority Research Investigator Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Study tracks repercussions from reduced pre-op testing

When clinical teams at Vanderbilt University Medical Center dramatically reduced several types of preoperative testing for elective surgery patients, there were no repercussions for these patients in terms of case cancellation rates, average length of stay in the hospital or rates of readmission to VUMC.

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