Department of Medicine

New rule outlines when to challenge a penicillin allergy

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fewer than 1% of the population is truly allergic to penicillin. The rest were never allergic to begin with or have outgrown their allergy — an estimated 80% of people with penicillin allergy lose their sensitivity to the drug within 10 years.

EHRs, biobanks and Mendelian diseases

Electronic health records and biobanks can be effectively combined to detect and study Mendelian diseases such as cystic fibrosis.

Medical laboratory scientist Gladys Garrison, MT, MS, loads reagents to prepare DNA samples for analysis in the VUMC Molecular Diagnostics Lab.

PREDICT program expands, opens new Genomics Clinic

A new clinic opening at Vanderbilt University Medical Center will help doctors and patients choose the best drugs for their medical conditions based on the patients’ unique genetic makeup.

Initiative to explore COVID-19 outcomes in cancer patients

A multi-institutional consortium led by Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) is collecting data on cancer patients with COVID-19 as part of a rapid effort to understand the unique effects the coronavirus has on this vulnerable population.

VUMC joins global effort to explore COVID-19 genetics

Vanderbilt University Medical Center investigators have joined an international genetics effort to make advances as quickly as possible on understanding and treating COVID-19.

Health workers sought for hydroxychloroquine study

Health care workers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center at high risk of exposure to COVID-19 can participate in a randomized, controlled clinical trial testing the effectiveness of the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in preventing infection.

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