
Pain and Alzheimer’s disease

Clinicians should use a structured interview in people with Alzheimer’s disease to identify pain that might be otherwise overlooked.

Clinical trial to test Singulair to treat bladder pain syndrome

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is currently enrolling women to participate in a study looking at the drug Montelukast to treat interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS).

Protocol shortens hospital stays for back surgery patients

Patients undergoing lower back surgeries had shorter hospital stays and fewer complications after a team at the Vanderbilt Spine Institute identified best practices for perioperative care and implemented them under a standardized protocol.

Osher Center offers multiple back pain treatment options

The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt offers most of the treatments in the new guidelines for back pain recently recommended by the American College of Physicians, but misconceptions about those treatments remain a barrier to care.

Laughing gas for labor

Although nitrous oxide was less effective than epidural anesthesia for pain management during labor, mothers who used nitrous oxide were equally satisfied with their childbirth experience.

Vanderbilt’s Osher Center offers Gentle Yoga for Back Care

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