
Image of pain pills (iStock Photo)

Vanderbilt study finds use of methadone to treat pain carries increased risk of death

Outside the hospital, use of methadone to treat pain carries a 46 percent increased risk of death when compared to the equally effective but more costly alternative, morphine SR (sustained release).


Capstone app project for MOOC to manage cancer patients’ pain

1,165 budding programmers are participating in the university’s first MOOC capstone project – one that will result in a certificate for graduates and better pain management for patients at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

A pain in the … genes

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that variation in the gene encoding the potassium channel GIRK1 plays a role in modulating human pain perception.

Program takes new approach to pain management

Patients with chronic pain who are covered by the Vanderbilt Employee Health Care Plan or workers’ compensation system can now enroll in an innovative rehabilitation program that could dramatically change how chronic pain is treated.

Toxin provides endometriosis clues

Environmental toxins may contribute to endometriosis-related infertility by disrupting endometrial response to progesterone.

Targeting new pathways to ease pain

The spinal cord’s neuropeptide Y signaling pathway may be a good target for new pain therapeutics.

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