“Her level of commitment to her colleagues is amazing and something we should all strive for.”
Vanderbilt’s James Goldenring, MD, PhD, has been honored by the American Gastroenterological Association for making significant contributions to understanding gastrointestinal disease.
Vanderbilt’s Wenhan Zhu, PhD, has received a three-year award from the G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation to support his research that aims to answer a fundamental question about bacterial physiology and engineer probiotics to improve gut inflammatory diseases.
Vanderbilt’s James Crowe Jr., MD, was among those to receive 2023 Advocacy Awards from Research!America at the biomedical research advocacy organization’s annual awards program in Washington, D.C.
Krause stepped off the elevator on the 8th floor of Monroe Carell and was greeted by about 40 nurses in a surprise ceremony. “They totally got me on this one,” she said.