
January 17, 2018

Scenes from snowy days

Enjoy these scenes of a beautiful VUMC snow, and bookmark the page to recall fondly in July.

Campus Snow Day

Photographs by Anne Rayner and Susan Urmy 

Above photo by Susan Urmy

A cold snap and a snowfall sheathed VUMC in white this week. People hurried between buildings wrapped in as many layers as possible against the icy wind, while single-digit nighttime temperatures and slick roads made getting to work or school an interesting experience.

Dashing between buildings in groups is a great way to keep warm. Photo by Anne Rayner
The “VUMC Reporter” is informative to read — and protects your head much better than a website. Photo by Anne Rayner
Dropping off somebody on Medical Center Drive could be a challenging, if eerily beautiful, experience. Photo by Susan Urmy
Sculptor Fletcher Benton’s “Balanced/Unbalanced Beam” provides a frigid frame for plaza pedestrians. Photo by Anne Rayner
Passing through the Chapman Quadrangle provides a reminder that people have been coming through this door in all seasons since 1925. Photo by Anne Rayner
The lonely picnic tables outside the Courtyard Cafe seem to be longing for the warm days of spring that will be coming soon. Photo by Susan Urmy