The Vanderbilt Music Cognition Lab is seeking participants aged 65 years or older for a study on human musical behaviors and hearing health.
The study will involve an in-person visit to the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center (lasting about 2 hours) during which you will complete several hearing tests, speech listening tests, and music listening tests, administered through a computer or a tablet by a trained experimenter. You will also be asked to complete questionnaires through a secure website at home (about 40 minutes), which will ask you questions about yourself, your musical behaviors, and your auditory experiences.
Study participants will be compensated in the form of gift cards from Amazon or another leading retailer, valued at a total of $50. There are no direct benefits to the participant for taking part in this study.
To participate in the study, you should have normal hearing, and not use assistive listening devices (such as hearing aids). You should also identify as a native speaker of American English.
If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to participate, please email us at