Leigh MacMillan

Fine-tuned protein makes memories

Researchers discover new wrinkles in how proteins build memories.

Heart illustration thumbnail

Gene ups risk for needing pacemaker

Researchers have identified a gene that increases the risk for developing sick sinus syndrome – the most common cause for implanting a cardiac pacemaker.

Imaging Mass Spectometry

Grant bolsters molecular imaging resource

Vanderbilt has received a $10.3 million federal grant to establish a national research resource for mass spectometry.

Smell test tells disorders apart

Patients with certain autonomic nervous system disorders have impaired odor identification, which could aid in diagnosis.

Chasing Foxd3’s role in stem cells

Researchers use genetic manipulations in mice and single-cell analyses to help explain stem cell regulation.

Worm gene function? Check the map.

New gene expression atlas created for roundworms provides a basis for establishing roles for individual genes in the development of specific cell types.

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