VUMC News and Communications

Proton transfer powers multidrug resistance: study

Vanderbilt University researchers and their Belgian colleagues have discovered the mechanism behind a multidrug transporter. Their findings, posted this week by Nature Chemical Biology, could lead to new treatments for multidrug resistant bacterial infections.

Tennessee Poison Center physician offers tips to prevent holiday poisonings

little girl washing hands

Use water at ‘comfortable’ temperature to wash hands and fight global warming

Vanderbilt University researchers say to take down the water temperature a degree or two when washing your hands to help battle global warming.

Medical Center only: Limited Submission Opportunity: 2014 Clinical Investigator Award

Vanderbilt may nominate three candidates for the 2014 Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Clinical Investigator Award.

Limited submission opportunity: Macy Faculty Scholars Program: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation

Vanderbilt University may nominate one candidate each from the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing for the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation’s Faculty Scholars Program.

Andries Zijlstra, Ph.D., and colleagues are studying a biomarker that can help predict prostate cancer recurrance. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Predictor of prostate cancer outcomes identified

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the University of Alberta in Canada have identified a biomarker for a cellular switch that accurately predicts which prostate cancer patients are likely to have their cancer recur or spread.

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