Jessica Pasley

Tri My Best Triathlon brings fun and friendship to competition

The race pairs a child with a disability with a peer buddy to complete the race together

Children’s Hospital sees increase in children poisoned by THC in marijuana edibles

They resemble candy. They taste like candy. Some children have ended up in intensive care.

After an explosion almost cost her son his hand, one mother has a warning about the danger of fireworks: “They are explosives. They are dangerous.”

“No one ever expects something to happen to your own child.”

Don’t leave them even for a minute — keep children from dying in a hot car

Every year dozens of children die of heatstroke after being left, often accidentally, in a hot car

Advice to prevent ATV accidents

“Had he not had on his helmet, we probably would have been planning his funeral”

Children’s Hospital safety expert makes clear: on bikes, skateboards or ATVs, helmets protect the brain

Water safety for kids

Injury prevention experts highlight ABCs of water safety as summer begins

Drowning doesn’t look like the dramatic splashing or shouting that’s often depicted in movies or TV shows. It is silent.

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