Engineering and Technology

Computer eyeballs graft-vs-host disease

A machine learning algorithm identified areas of skin affected by chronic graft-versus-host disease on par with clinicians, opening the door to streamlining and standardizing this measure of patient response to therapy.

Elderly caucasian woman with her hands on a cane

‘Smart cane’ could one day help flag gait problems, falling risks more quickly

Falling is no joke when you’re a senior citizen or have other balance issues. Vanderbilt engineers are working on a ‘smart cane’ that could help physical therapists spot and treat problems sooner.

group portrait in front of windows

Meet Vanderbilt’s first Academic Pathways fellows

Seven outstanding Ph.D.’s with diverse backgrounds and experiences have come to Vanderbilt to pursue postdoctoral training with an eye toward academic careers.

Team to develop steerable robotic needle for biopsies

Collaboration between a mechanical engineer at Vanderbilt University and a pulmonologist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) has resulted in a National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 grant that will be used to develop a steerable robotic needle to safely biopsy hard-to-reach lung nodules.

model wearing smart back bace

Smart underwear prevents back stress with just a tap

“Performance-boosting super suit” hidden under clothing can be activated by a double tap to save users’ backs.

researcher and helmet

How six cups of ground coffee can improve nose, throat surgery

Vanderbilt engineers have designed a “granular jamming cap” filled with coffee grounds that can improve the accuracy of the sophisticated “GPS” system that surgeons use for nose and throat surgery.

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