
Target for atherosclerosis therapies

A newly identified “atheroprotective” gene is a tool for exploring plaque pathophysiology and may be a good target for therapies to slow atherosclerosis progression.

Retinal neuron survival in glaucoma

Understanding how the protein TRPV1 helps neurons survive after glaucoma-related stressors could lead to new therapeutic strategies for glaucoma and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Bacterial secretion machinery: 3-D view

New structural findings reveal how “gatekeeper” proteins participate in the secretion systems bacteria use to infect host cells.

Study finds few meet criteria for healthy cardiovascular lifestyle

When it comes to taking care of our hearts, there is a big divide between what we should do and what we actually do, a new multi-institution study reports.

Research by VUMC nurses takes center stage at annual event

Nursing research was on full display in Light Hall recently during the Research Day Poster Presentations, organized by the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Nursing Research Committee.

Older woman shopping

Blood pressure gene tied to cognitive decline

Size may not matter in a lot of things, but when it comes to cognitive decline, the size of the hippocampus definitely seems to be an issue.

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