
New reference tool supports replication of DNA biobank studies

Vanderbilt researchers created a phenotype-genotype reference map to assess data quality in DNA biobanks.

Predicting postop opioid use

VUMC study finds that preoperative patient characteristics can predict daily opioid use at six months after surgery, suggesting opportunities for development of electronic risk-stratification algorithms.

The team studying how to control sepsis in the lungs and kidneys includes, from left, Huan Qiao, MD, PhD Jacek Hawiger, MD, PhD, Jozef Zienkiewicz, PhD, and Yan Liu, MD, MS. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Study reveals genomic code for sepsis in the lungs and kidneys

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Nashville Veterans Affairs Medical Center have “cracked” the genomic code for sepsis in the lungs and kidneys.

Artificial intelligence innovator John Jumper to deliver Aug. 30 Apex Lecture

John Jumper, who led the development of AlphaFold, an artificial intelligence system that can predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins, will give the next Apex Lecture on Wednesday, Aug. 30.

Chronic complications from immunotherapies more prevalent and persistent than previously shown among melanoma survivors

A Vanderbilt study has found that chronic immunotherapy-related complications are more prevalent and persistent than previously shown among melanoma survivors.

Mary Philip, MD, PhD, left, and Michael Rudloff, PhD, found that T cells become “exhausted” within hours of encountering a tumor, challenging existing ideas about how T cells become dysfunctional. (photo by Anthony Czelusniak)

Study finds hallmarks of T cell exhaustion within hours of tumor exposure

Vanderbilt researchers found that T cells become “exhausted” within hours of encountering a tumor, challenging existing ideas about how T cells become dysfunctional.

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