
Eric Nestler, MD, PhD, renowned for his studies of the molecular basis of drug addiction and depression, discusses his latest research findings during last week’s Discovery Lecture.

Nestler’s Discovery Lecture

Eric Nestler, MD, PhD, renowned for his studies of the molecular basis of drug addiction and depression, discusses his latest research findings during last week’s Discovery Lecture.

COVID-19 pandemic brought changes in cigarette smoking: study

Smokers who believed they were at increased risk of getting COVID-19 during the pandemic, or having a more severe case, were more likely to quit while those whoperceived more stress increased smoking, according to new research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Webinars share strategies for integrating addiction and behavioral health into primary care practices

David Marcovitz, MD, assistant professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and director of the Division of Addiction Psychiatry, shared strategies for integrating addiction and behavioral health into primary care practices during two recent webinars — one for Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network (VHAN) and one for the TennCare Delivery System Transformation Conference.

Histamine circuits in brain reward center

Histamine — commonly associated with allergies — also has a signaling role in the brain’s reward center and may offer a novel target for treating addiction.

New tools to study bioactive lipids

Vanderbilt researchers have identified and characterized inhibitors of an enzyme that synthesizes lipid signaling molecules with roles in energy balance, inflammation and addiction.

Blocking stress-induced relapse

Danny Winder and colleagues are teasing apart the actions of neurotransmitter receptors in a brain region linked to anxiety and addiction, with a goal of finding treatments for substance use disorders.

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