
The elusive Nobel Prize winner

Stanley Cohen wanted to be left alone to do his research. I wanted to interview him for a radio show. Amazingly, he said yes.

Vanderbilt investigators lead effort to create map of the human kidney

Short of mandating universal diabetes treatment, regular exercise and low-calorie diets, little can be done to stem the rising tide of kidney failure — unless scientists can figure out why exactly the kidney’s filtration units, the glomeruli, stop working.

$8.1 million grant funds new center to research highly aggressive form of lung cancer

A five-year National Cancer Institute grant will fund an interdisciplinary research center for the study of small cell lung cancer, a highly aggressive, incurable form of the disease.

Vanderbilt earns top rankings, including a No. 1, for successful minority recruitment in master’s and Ph.D. programs

“Diverse: Issues In Higher Education” has ranked Vanderbilt University No. 1 in the country for the number of doctoral degrees awarded to African Americans in the biological and biomedical sciences.


The most popular research stories of 2015

With discoveries ranging from the origins of consciousness to the end of the universe, 2015 was a year of incredibly diverse research at Vanderbilt University.

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New class of DNA repair enzyme discovered

A new class of DNA repair enzyme has been discovered which demonstrates that a much broader range of damage can be removed from the double helix in ways that biologists did not think were possible.

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