biomedical informatics

Vanderbilt University honors 24 as emeriti faculty

Twenty-four retiring faculty members were recognized during Vanderbilt’s Commencement ceremony May 13, when the university honored their years of service and bestowed on them the title of emeritus or emerita faculty.

REDCap application to be available on commercial market

A version of a Web application developed at Vanderbilt University that helps academic scientists around the globe collect and manage their research data will soon be available on the commercial market.

Effort seeks to integrate clinical, research data systems

To ease data collection for clinical research and ongoing analysis of clinical processes, teams at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) are working to bridge the gap between clinical systems and research systems.

Data diving for health

To most effectively use electronic health records for research, investigators should query multiple components of the record to identify patients with specific diseases.

VUSM to offer master’s degree in applied clinical informatics

A new program being offered this fall through Vanderbilt University School of Medicine will offer health care professionals the opportunity to earn a master’s degree in the growing biomedical informatics field.

The changing face of health care IT

Changes coming to our clinical systems at Vanderbilt aim to better serve our patients and to maintain the highest standard care in an increasingly competitive and cost-conscious environment.

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