Department of Biochemistry

Repriming replication roadblocks

New findings shed light on how enzymes that replicate DNA skip over mutations that might cause cancer and restart DNA synthesis further away.

Oxidative stress in tumors

Vanderbilt investigators have developed a new method for measuring oxidative stress in human tumors, which provides insight into cancer development.

elderly Asian mother and adult daughter

Protein structure may aid in treating Alzheimer’s disease

A new protein structure may guide the development of Alzheimer’s therapeutics.

A new mode of DNA repair

Structural details of a protein that removes DNA lesions shed light on fundamental mechanisms of DNA repair.

Fighting fungal infections

A detailed structural and functional analysis of the yeast protein that is the main target of antifungal drugs will help direct efforts to develop better treatments.

Team identifies ‘switch’ involved in DNA replication  

DNA replication is an extraordinarily complex multi-step process that makes copies of the body’s genetic blueprint. It is necessary for growth and essential to life. Now researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Vanderbilt University have found evidence that one of those steps may involve the telephone-like transmission of electrical signals regulated by a chemical “switch.”

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