
William Russell, MD, second from right, is the principal investigator for a study that uses a plasmid-based therapy to try to selectively desensitize the immune system in people with Type 1 diabetes. Shown here are, from left, Lana Howard, RN, CCRP; Brenna Hammel, RN, CPN; study participant Adam Brooks; Russell; and Robin Perkins, RN. Not pictured: Faith Brendle, RN, CPN, CCRP.

Trial participant steps up to help advance diabetes research

Vanderbilt is one of 16 North American sites conducting the Tolerance Using Plasmid in People with Type 1 Diabetes (TOPPLE) study, a phase 1 investigation that tests the safety and dosing of a new plasmid therapy.

Gannon selected for American Diabetes Association Award

Maureen Gannon, PhD, professor of Medicine, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, and Cell and Developmental Biology, is the recipient of the 2022 Lois Jovanovic Transformative Woman in Diabetes Award presented by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

Diabetes, cardiovascular drug targets

Targeting receptors of the inflammatory lipid signaling molecule PGE2 may offer a new way to tackle both Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

From left, Raymond C. Harris, MD, Shirong Cao, MD, PhD, Ming-Zhi Zhang, MD, MSc, and colleagues are studying the role of inflammation in obesity.

Study sheds light on the dark side of obesity

Vanderbilt research that promotes the anti-inflammatory pathway in macrophages could also reduce some of the bad side effects of obesity.

Gene network linked to Type 2 diabetes

Vanderbilt researchers used a novel analytical approach to identify a network of genes associated with Type 2 diabetes, including 31 genes that had not previously been associated with the disease.

Eighteen years ago Kanisha Sizemore got a new kidney and pancreas. With her job in the Transplant Pharmacy she gives patients hope and perspective.

“Being a transplant recipient is a blessing, but it is also life changing in several ways.”

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