
Anticancer olive compounds

Compounds found in olives and olive oil have anticancer activity, which may contribute to the cancer preventive properties attributed to the Mediterranean diet.

Vanderbilt health educator suggests nine steps to a healthier heart

Nine steps to a healthier heart.

Grilled vegetables are a healthy and satisfying summer dish. (iStock)

Vanderbilt health educator offers tips for healthy tailgating

‘Yo-yo dieting’ inflames fat tissue

Gaining and losing weight during “yo-yo dieting” may contribute to an exaggerated immune response in fat tissue that increases metabolic dysfunction more than steady weight gain alone.

New core to aid research related to nutrition and diet

A new research core has been established to help Vanderbilt University Medical Center investigators optimize their nutrition- and diet-related study designs, methods, measures, interventions and analysis.

pregnant belly - striped shirt

Study finds maternal diet may predict RSV severity

An important predictor of the severity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants may be what their mothers ate during pregnancy.

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