Division of Clinical Pharmacology

Cognitive changes in ‘standing’ syndrome

Patients with orthostatic intolerance – problems when standing – have cognitive changes, even when seated, compared to healthy individuals.

Speaker explores promise of ‘bioelectronic medicine’

Can an implanted electrical device like a cardiac pacemaker effectively treat inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, including cases that have not responded to drug therapy?

Overactive stress response in obesity

An overactive stress response contributes to the development of insulin resistance in obese individuals, and blocking it may be therapeutically beneficial.

Immune cells’ role in hypertension

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that certain immune cells contribute to the development of hypertension, suggesting novel targets for treating the disease.

Heart illustration thumbnail

Normalizing calcium flux to treat atrial fibrillation

A particular anti-arrhythmia drug provides a targeted treatment for certain forms of atrial fibrillation.

Kudos: Read about faculty, staff and students’ awards and achievements

Read about faculty, staff and students’ awards and achievements.

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