DNA replication

Madison Adolph, PhD, left, David Cortez, PhD, and Archana Krishnamoorthy are studying fundamental processes involved in DNA replication.

Researchers discover that protein switches functions to regulate DNA replication

Vanderbilt biochemists have discovered what the DNA damage response protein RADX does — and how it does it.

Probing DNA damage repair

After discovering a new mechanism for DNA damage repair last year, Vanderbilt biochemists now provide direct evidence for how it works.

Completing DNA synthesis

James Dewar and colleagues have identified a role for the enzyme topoisomerase II in reducing replication errors during the final stage of DNA synthesis.

A catalog of DNA replication proteins

Vanderbilt scientists have identified 593 proteins that are enriched at sites of DNA duplication and chromatin packaging of newly synthesized DNA.

Correctly copying DNA

A precise understanding of how the enzyme topoisomerase II cuts DNA could lead to better anti-cancer therapies.

Kareem Mohni, PhD, left, and David Cortez, PhD, have discovered a new DNA repair pathway that guards against genomic mutations.

Novel DNA repair mechanism preserves genome integrity: study

Biochemistry investigators at Vanderbilt have discovered a new DNA repair mechanism that prevents gene mutations during DNA replication.

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