Using billing codes to count cancers

The billing codes in electronic health records are useful for counting skin cancers over time — an important metric for cancer risk assessment and prevention.

Probing statin-associated diseases with genetics

Vanderbilt researchers used genetics tools and biobanks with linked electronic health records to explore the associations between statins and noncardiovascular diseases.

COVID-19 complication underdiagnosed

A mysterious inflammatory syndrome linked to COVID-19 infection and first identified in children also occurs in adults, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Drug allergy labels in medical records power searches for gene-drug associations

Award recognizes hands-on contributions to health IT at VUMC

Chetan Aher, MD, assistant professor of Surgery, and Wael Alrifai, MD, assistant professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Informatics, are the inaugural winners of the Physician Builder Award, sponsored by the Vanderbilt Clinical Informatics Center (VCLIC). They received trophies made from Lego building blocks and gift certificates.

Extracting accurate COVID data from scanned forms

A switch to paper forms during the COVID-19 pandemic might have hobbled research, but using software with a novel user interface made it possible to accurately extract information from scanned forms.

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