infectious diseases

Wright loves her patients and their mysteries

Everyone knew everyone in Patty Wright’s hometown of Scottsville, Kentucky, population 4,336.

VUMC joins Human Vaccine Project as first scientific hub

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), the Human Vaccines Project and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) announced this week that VUMC has become the project’s first scientific hub.

Target cell entry to halt Chikungunya virus

Understanding how chikungunya virus binds to and enters cells offers a new target for antiviral medications.

Photo: Discovery Lecture

Scott Hultgren, Ph.D., director of the Center for Women’s Infectious Disease Research at Washington University in St. Louis, talked about improving therapies for urinary tract infections during his recent Flexner Discovery Lecture.

Host proteins can control HIV infection

The protein APOBEC3G contributes to spontaneous control of HIV-1 in vivo and may provide therapeutic benefits.

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