John McLean

ELVIS team leaders include, from left, Jane Freedman, MD, project leader Suman Das, PhD, Simon Mallal, MBBS, Ravi Shah, MD, John McLean, PhD. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

$51 million NIH grant brings ELVIS to VUMC

Vanderbilt University Medical Center scientists are launching a research platform called ELVIS that is devoted to molecular underpinnings of early-childhood determinants of health.


The most popular research stories of 2015

With discoveries ranging from the origins of consciousness to the end of the universe, 2015 was a year of incredibly diverse research at Vanderbilt University.

Symposium on impact of ‘omics on medicine set for March 23

Vanderbilt and the Waters Centers of Innovation Program are sponsoring a free symposium titled “Integrated ‘Omics in Translational Medicine” on March 23. It is open to all scientists interested in the subject.

Richard Caprioli and mass spectrometer

Vanderbilt awarded $16.5 million agreement to determine how toxic agents affect human cells

Vanderbilt University has been awarded a Cooperative Agreement with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Army Research Office that is worth up to $16.5 million over five years.


Vanderbilt-led team to develop ‘microbrain’ to improve drug testing

Creating a device out of human cells that simulates brain chemistry is the goal of a $6.4 million grant which is part of major new federal initiative to develop a series of “organs on a chip” designed to improve the drug development process.