Mass Spectrometry Research Center

Amanda Hachey and her father, Don, moments after she finished the Boston Marathon on April 15. (photo courtesy of Amanda Hachey)

Boston Marathoner reflects on experience; tragedy prompts response from Vanderbilt community

Amanda Hachey had just crossed the finish line at Monday’s Boston Marathon when she heard the first of two loud explosions. She reflects on her experience, while other members of the Vanderbilt community respond to the tragedy.

Novel push-pull action clue to brain disorders

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have discovered a new “push-pull” mechanism in the brain that one day could lead to new treatments for movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, as well as stress-related disorders and addiction.

Zinc: a new antibiotic target?

It may be possible to fight hospital-acquired pathogens like Acinetobacter baumannii by targeting the bacterium’s need for the nutrient metal zinc.

Team creates new view of body’s infection response

A new 3-D view of the body’s response to infection — and the ability to identify proteins involved in the response — could point to novel biomarkers and therapeutic agents for infectious diseases.

Obesity turns “good” cholesterol bad

Studies offer new insights into how obesity impairs the function of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.

Imaging Mass Spectometry

Grant bolsters molecular imaging resource

Vanderbilt has received a $10.3 million federal grant to establish a national research resource for mass spectometry.

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