Targeting post-transplant diabetes

Targeting diabetes that develops after a stem cell transplant may help moderate graft-vs.-host disease, an adverse effect of the procedure, and improve outcomes.

Plant compound quells inflammation

Berberine, an herbal remedy for diarrhea and intestinal parasites, may be an effective treatment for gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases.

Smoking stokes cells’ cancer capacity

Cellular pathways altered by chronic exposure to cigarette smoke may reveal new biomarkers to assess smoking-induced lung cancer risk.

Obesity turns “good” cholesterol bad

Studies offer new insights into how obesity impairs the function of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.

iPOND method goes fishing for proteins

A new tool will allow researchers to identify proteins involved in DNA replication and damage repair, processes that go awry in cancer.

Colon cancer’s cellular crossroads

New information about signaling pathways involved in colorectal cancer could aid in assessing prognosis and identifying new therapeutic targets for the disease.

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