Hhex on cancer

A new mouse model demonstrates that the Hhex gene – which is linked to blood cancers – is critical for normal blood cell production.

A view of brain function in disease

Vanderbilt investigators report the first use of a specialized type of MRI to study the hippocampus in patients with schizophrenia.

Boosting cell-based heart repair

A metabolic change in adult stem cells makes them less “fit” for regenerative heart therapies, suggesting that strategies to prevent this response may boost the therapeutic usefulness of the cells.

Neurofibromin fine-tunes bone growth

The protein neurofibromin acts as a brake in a signaling pathway that is important in bone development, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

New player in neuronal communication

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a novel mechanism for the development of dendritic spines – sites of nerve cell communication.

Team tracks how kidney responds to blood pressure meds

Changes in the kidney can limit the blood pressure-lowering effects of thiazide diuretics, a new study reports.

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