Protein dynamics in the beating heart

To study the dynamics of structural proteins in the heart, Vanderbilt investigators generated a cellular tool they expect will be useful for screening drugs that affect heart muscle contraction.

Gregor Mendel would be proud

A computational method that uses hospital billing codes and electronic health records can identify genetic disease cases before clinical teams do.

Understanding cell division

Vanderbilt researchers have uncovered another piece in the puzzle of how cells divide — a process that goes awry in cancer cells.

Imaging host-pathogen battle for metal

An unprecedented view of bacterial products within infected tissues opens new opportunities to explore infection biology and devise novel therapeutic strategies.

Completing DNA synthesis

James Dewar and colleagues have identified a role for the enzyme topoisomerase II in reducing replication errors during the final stage of DNA synthesis.

3d rendering white blood cells with red blood cells

A new regulator of B cell development

New findings establish a role for the pro-inflammatory molecule IL-33 in the early development of antibody-producing B cells.

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