oxidative damage

Study details metabolism of biomarkers for oxidative stress

Factors other than oxidative stress can modify the levels of biomarkers called isoprostanes that are commonly used in both experimental and clinical research, suggesting that additional standards need to be developed.

MicroRNAs linked to lipid damage

VUMC researchers have linked microRNAs with systemic lipid peroxidation, a discovery that could point to new therapeutic targets for a variety of diseases.

Protecting transplanted lungs

Acetaminophen may offer a simple treatment to prevent tissue injury following lung transplant, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Buckwheat seeds on wooden spoon in closeup

Study finds natural compound extends lifespan of worms

A compound found in buckwheat seeds extends the lifespan of worms, Vanderbilt investigators have discovered.

Bypassing DNA damage

Studies of a human polymerase that replicates DNA have provided a complete kinetic and structural framework for understanding how the enzyme accurately bypasses DNA damage.

Acetaminophen: protective in sepsis?

In critically ill patients with sepsis, plasma hemoglobin may be a new indicator of disease severity – and a potential target for treatment with acetaminophen.