plastic surgery

After an explosion almost cost her son his hand, one mother has a warning about the danger of fireworks: “They are explosives. They are dangerous.”

“No one ever expects something to happen to your own child.”

Hope Dyer has seen a significant reduction in the number of migraines she has after plastic surgeon Salam Kassis, MD, performed an outpatient surgery to release entrapped nerves in her head.

Nerve-releasing surgery eases migraines for some

Peripheral nerve surgery is relieving chronic migraine headaches for some patients.

Vanderbilt surgeons lead nation in study to restore sensation in breast tissue

Study examines if cadaver nerve grafts can restore breast tissue sensation after mastectomy and reconstruction.

All over the Medical Center, and all over the world

When Debby Booth started college in the early 1970s, she didn’t want to be a nurse. That was something her older sister did.

Improving wound healing

Vanderbilt researchers have shown that an injectable material improves wound healing and may be useful for large skin wounds such as those in patients with diabetes.

Complex facial surgery helps bring back patients’ smiles

When Kelly Davis woke up one morning in April, she told her husband Anthony that she dreamed her face was moving; then she looked in the mirror and saw that it really was.