Reporter Dec 5 2014

Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs

Last fall, during a grim period for many of the nation’s hospitals and by any measure a stressful time for VUMC, we did something few institutions would. We held a community survey.

Retirement plan updates make saving easier in 2015

Vanderbilt is taking steps to streamline and simplify the administration of the 403(b) retirement plan beginning in April 2015.

Research by VUMC nurses takes center stage at annual event

Nursing research was on full display in Light Hall recently during the Research Day Poster Presentations, organized by the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Nursing Research Committee.

Older woman shopping

Blood pressure gene tied to cognitive decline

Size may not matter in a lot of things, but when it comes to cognitive decline, the size of the hippocampus definitely seems to be an issue.

Columbia’s Bakken to deliver Flexner Discovery Lecture

Suzanne Bakken, Ph.D., RN, the Alumni Professor of Nursing and professor of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University, will deliver the next Flexner Discovery Lecture on Thursday, Dec. 11.

Photo: Diabetes Day

Vanderbilt Diabetes Day, an annual research symposium, this year featured talks by nationally known researchers and by winners of the Diabetes Scholar awards.

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