Reporter Oct 11 2013

Insulin in vials

Relaxin combats insulin resistance

The hormone relaxin may offer a novel approach for treating diet-induced insulin resistance.

Magnesium impacts vitamin D status

Magnesium and vitamin D appear to work together to reduce risk of death from cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer.

New target for stopping inflammation

Importin alpha 5, a member of a family of proteins that “shuttle” other proteins into the nucleus, is a potential new target for drugs to treat inflammatory diseases.

Clinical and translational research highlighted at retreat

Kathleen Neuzil, M.D., MPH, known internationally for her efforts to expand vaccine access and delivery around the world, credited her Vanderbilt University mentors last week for guiding her to a career path that allowed her to “make a difference.”

Discovery Lecturer makes case for stronger science

The occasional failings of science tend to draw big headlines — findings that can’t be replicated or increasing numbers of papers that are retracted because studies were improperly or even fraudulently conducted.

Rae seeks to enhance outcomes for burn patients

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care is expanding its specialized burn faculty with the appointment of Lisa Rae, M.D., assistant professor of Surgery.

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