Vanderbilt Research Trending

Carlos Lopez (Vanderbilt University)

Lopez named Vanderbilt’s liaison to Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Carlos F. Lopez, assistant professor of biochemistry and biomedical informatics, has been appointed as Vanderbilt University’s liaison to Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

elderly Asian mother and adult daughter

Vanderbilt begins Phase 1 trials of new Alzheimer’s drug

Developed at Vanderbilt, VU319 is designed to precisely target a specific neuron receptor associated with cognitive function while avoiding potentially dangerous side effects.

researcher and helmet

How six cups of ground coffee can improve nose, throat surgery

Vanderbilt engineers have designed a “granular jamming cap” filled with coffee grounds that can improve the accuracy of the sophisticated “GPS” system that surgeons use for nose and throat surgery.

pensive pregnant african american woman at home

Vanderbilt-led study disputes link between uterine fibroids and miscarriage risk

A 10-year study, led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Katherine Hartmann, M.D., Ph.D., disrupts conventional wisdom that uterine fibroids cause miscarriages.

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Blood type link to cancer survival

Blood type A was associated with longer ovarian cancer survival in a recent Vanderbilt-led study.

Regulating anxiety in the brain

Two brain signaling pathways have overlapping functions in regulating anxiety, suggesting that therapeutics aimed at one or the other will impact both.

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