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Wireless network changes coming to Medical Center buildings Sept. 5

Beginning Sept. 5, the university’s wireless network, vuNet, will no longer be available in Vanderbilt University Medical Center buildings.

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New Medical Center visitor wireless network now available

Vanderbilt University Medical Center unveiled its new guest wireless network, VUMCGuest, May 1.

TechShare discusses off-site data center, IT service management

The Transition Management Office hosted its second TechShare on Feb. 6 with a focus on changes to an off-site data center, IT service management and identity management.

AccessVU to be unavailable April 29–May 1

AccessVU, the tool that supports creating new VUNetIDs, changing ePasswords and other services, will be unavailable from 5 p.m. April 29 to 2 p.m. May 1.

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Temporary hold begins Friday on IT systems changes

As the date nears for Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center to transition to separate legal and financial entities, institutional leaders are requesting that all university and Medical Center departments place a moratorium on systems changes within the information technology environment surrounding the period of legal close.

Practice safe Web browsing to avoid ransomware

One of the latest threats in the cyber world is the use of ransomware, a type of malware that prevents a user from accessing his or her system through various forms of encryption. Vanderbilt IT shares the best ways to protect yourself by practicing safe Web browsing.

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