Adam Wright

Algorithm scours health records for lung cancer risk

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a computer algorithm that scans electronic health records, or EHRs, to identify patients who meet criteria for lung cancer screening.

ChatGPT tested for clinical decision support

The problem with the problem list

Algorithms to infer missing problems and suggest that they be added to electronic health records improved problem list completeness, with benefits for clinical care, patient comprehension of health conditions and population health.

Machine learning predicts delirium

Using machine learning based on electronic health records of ICU patients predicted new-onset delirium with 82% sensitivity, Vanderbilt researchers found.

Pushing (anti-overdose) drugs

An automated alert to encourage clinicians to coprescribe naloxone for patients at risk of opioid overdose increased naloxone prescriptions per opioid prescription 16-fold.

An initiative at VUMC is helping to reduce automated alerts that are often triggered in the electronic health record.

VUMC Clickbusters program helps reduce EHR alerts

Vanderbilt’s Clickbusters program is helping to stem alert fatigue associated with the Medical Center’s clinical IT system.