autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Transporter linked to autism risk

Vanderbilt University investigators for the first time have linked a non-inherited, de novo mutation in the dopamine transporter to autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Oxidative stress in autism

A biomarker for oxidative stress is elevated in patients with both autism spectrum disorder and gastrointestinal dysfunction, suggesting opportunities for individualized approaches to clinical care.

puzzel pieces, autism

Training program meets ‘critical need’ for earlier autism identification

A three-year study that evaluated the effectiveness of a training program designed to enhance autism spectrum disorder identification and assessment within community pediatric settings was released this week in the journal Autism.

time lapse traffic

Autism speeds motion perception

Children with autism spectrum disorder are better at perceiving the motion of certain objects than are typically developing children their age.

Blood syringe/vial

Blood test for autism could speed diagnosis

Vanderbilt University is part of a multi-site autism clinical study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a blood test that aims to screen children for referral for autism spectrum disorder evaluation (ASD) earlier and more accurately.

Autism Robot helps children

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