Department of Emergency Medicine

RSV vaccine in older people cuts risk of hospitalization

A multicenter study conducted in 19 states between October 2023 and March 2024 demonstrated that RSV vaccination was 75% effective in preventing RSV-associated hospitalizations for adults age 60 and older.

Emergency department tests wireless patient monitoring

The pilot extends to continuous wireless monitoring of blood pressure, blood oxygen level, heart rate and continuous cardiac rhythm. The aim is improved vigilance, efficiency and satisfaction for patients and staff.

Wesley Self named to leadership role in global clinical trials network

The Strategies and Treatments for Respiratory Infections and Viral Emergencies network includes more than 300 sites around the world and international experts in clinical trials, infectious diseases, critical care and pandemic preparedness.

The LifeFlight legacy: 40 years in 40 photos

Since July 1984, LifeFlight has made 76,942 flights and transported 80,118 patients. It’s transported another 37,133 patients since its ground transport program began; critical care ground transports number 4,188.

This is the ever-expanding legacy: mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, children and grandparents — alive. Explore an audio clip, map and more.

Renowned Emergency Medicine educator, clinician Keith Wrenn mourned

Dr. Wrenn’s clinical skill inspired awe. He taught by example, and his patience, compassion and focus on patient-centered care leaves an indelible impression on trainees and colleagues.

Homelessness a major issue for many patients in the emergency department

Unstable housing and homelessness can exacerbate adverse health outcomes, leading to increased risk of chronic disease, injury, and disability. Yet, emergency departments currently do not have a universal method to identify those at risk of, or currently experiencing, homelessness.

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