Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

AI tested for alerting clinicians of suicide risk at three VUMC clinics

At neurology clinics the system was used to flag 8% of arriving patients as having relatively high risk for suicide attempt in the next 30 days.

Harold Jordan, VUMC’s first African American resident, who forged a career in academia and public service, dies at 87

Dr. Jordan was “a Vanderbilt and a civil rights legend.”

Academy for Excellence in Clinical Medicine selects 25 new members

The AECM was formed in 2021 to “honor exemplary clinicians who combine humanism, professionalism and a passion for patient care with a scholarly approach to improving patient health and establish a community of leaders to promote clinical excellence.”

(photo by Erin O. Smith)

Four elected to American Pediatric Society

The APS was the first North American honorary society for academic pediatricians. Members are recognized for leadership, teaching, research and contributions at an international level.

People with schizophrenia show distinct brain activity when faced with conflicting information

Researchers introduce a biomarker to indicate whether someone is struggling with the inflexible thinking associated with the disorder.

After connecting the dots between cognitive impairment and brain network organization in people diagnosed with psychotic disorders, researchers discovered the same link in those who hadn’t had their first psychotic episode.

Groundbreaking study links cognition and brain networks before the first psychotic break

Early detection opens the door to intervention via noninvasive neuromodulation for those with treatment-resistant symptoms of psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.

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