
Vanderbilt investigators lead effort to create map of the human kidney

Short of mandating universal diabetes treatment, regular exercise and low-calorie diets, little can be done to stem the rising tide of kidney failure — unless scientists can figure out why exactly the kidney’s filtration units, the glomeruli, stop working.

Diabetes drug study explores cardiovascular risks for patients with kidney disease

An observational study using medical record information from nearly 50,000 U.S. military veterans sheds new light on which drugs are best for patients with Type 2 diabetes and one of its common complications, kidney disease.

Discovery may point to better treatments for Type 1 diabetes

Researchers have made a paradigm-shifting discovery that could lead to new treatments, better health and longer life for patients with Type 1 diabetes.

New role for microtubules in diabetes

Microtubules — part of the cell’s cytoskeleton — regulate the secretion of insulin, suggesting that they may be a new target for treating diabetes.

Study drug delays type 1 diabetes in high risk children and adults

Drug delays onset of type 1 diabetes by two years

Team members involved in the study include, from left, Melissa Hilmes, MD, Daniel Moore, MD, PhD, Alvin Powers, MD, Jon Williams, PhD, and Jack Virostko, PhD. (photo by Jessica Kimber)

Study expands insight on shrinking pancreas in type 1 diabetes

Researchers with the Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC) have discovered a progressive decline in pancreas volume over a one-year period in children and adolescents with newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes.

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