JAMA Network Open (journal)

Higher thiazide doses shown to reduce kidney stone events

Thiazide diuretics are commonly prescribed to prevent kidney stone recurrence, treat high blood pressure, and clear fluid from the body in conditions such as heart failure.

Study tallies reports of unprofessional behavior among physicians

Reports from 193 hospitals were analyzed. It turns out that surgeons draw the most complaints.

Second-most used herbicide in the US linked to birth defect in national study 

At present, 44 countries, including the European Union, have banned or are phasing out atrazine due to concern for its negative effects on human health.

Homelessness a major issue for many patients in the emergency department

Unstable housing and homelessness can exacerbate adverse health outcomes, leading to increased risk of chronic disease, injury, and disability. Yet, emergency departments currently do not have a universal method to identify those at risk of, or currently experiencing, homelessness.

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Excess salt linked to heart disease deaths in low-income group: study

Excessive consumption of dietary sodium likely was responsible for up to 30% of cardiovascular disease-related deaths among mostly low-income participants in a large cohort study conducted by Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Higher genetic risk of obesity means working out harder for same results 

Study authors used activity, clinical and genetic data from the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program to explore the association of genetic risk of higher body mass index and the level of physical activity needed to reduce incident obesity. 

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