Section of Surgical Sciences

Transplant Center celebrates 30 years of impacting lives

The Vanderbilt Transplant Center started 30 years ago as a dream to create a multi-organ transplant center housed not all over a campus but in a single location.

Vanderbilt Transplant Center members recently held a reception celebrating the 6,000th kidney transplant since the program’s inception.

VUMC reaches milestone 6,000th kidney transplant

The Vanderbilt Transplant Center recently celebrated its 6,000th kidney transplant.

Bailey to direct general surgery residency program

Christina Bailey, MD, MSCI, assistant professor of Surgery, has been named the new program director of the general surgery residency training program in the Department of Surgery, Section of Surgical Sciences.

Protein’s role in inflammation-related cancer studied

Investigators are exploring the molecular mechanisms behind the association of chronic inflammation and colon cancer.

Thompson named to direct Vanderbilt Burn Center

Callie Thompson, MD, has been named director of the Vanderbilt Burn Center, one of the largest burn centers in the United States.

Shown here, from left, are Jasmine Walker, MD; Gretchen Edwards, MD; Rondi Kauffmann, MD, MPH; Ooro; Diane Haddad, MD; and School of Medicine student Catherine Zivanov.

Distinguished visitor

Beryl Akinyi Ooro, MBChB, a general surgeon from AIC Kijabe Hospital in Kijabe, Kenya, visited VUMC recently to meet with surgical faculty, residents and medical students, and to observe both in the operating room and at a clinical practice.

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